mozzarella, tomato, turmeric
roast beef, pickles, mayonnaise, mustard
roasted leg of lamb with vegetables, pita bread, yogurt sauce
avocado, mango, onion, tomato
Roast leg of lamb, vegetables, pita bread, yogurt sauce
olives, chips, red pepper, anchovy, pickle, hot pepper
tequila, triple dry, lime
gin, campari, vermouth
vodka, coffee liqueur, cream
roast beef, pickle, mayonnaise, mustard
whiskey, peppermint
rum, mint, lime, soda
peppermint, pomegranate, pita bread
cod, beans, curry
whiskey, vermouth
sauce, butter
vodka, coffee liqueur
whiskey, orange, lemon, sugar
vodka, tomato juice, lemon, tabasco, sauce, pepper, salt
vodka, triple dry, lime, cranberry juice
Madre Flaca
8.00 € 3,734
11.00 € 3,729
7.00 € 3,577
8.00 € 3,483
14.00 € 3,462
13.00 € 3,442
7.00 € 3,317
7.00 € 3,309
7.00 € 3,308
5.50 € 3,304
7.00 € 3,279
7.00 € 3,278
7.00 € 3,271
9.50 € 3,270
7.00 € 3,251
4.00 / 6.50 € 3,245
7.00 € 3,209
7.00 € 3,168
7.00 € 3,124
7.00 € 3,049
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