- 入门选择:
o Cordoban salmorejo 配煮鸡蛋和伊比利亚火腿
o Salmorejo 配牛油果
o 鸭春卷(2份)
o 心形沙拉配金枪鱼肚
o 浦卷热带鲑鱼
o 朝鲜蓟配伊比利亚培根蛋面
o 朝鲜蓟配 romesco 和榛子
- 主要选择:
o 时令蔬菜炒锅和辣椒
o 杜洛克猪毛、烤洋葱和马铃薯
o 鱿鱼和蔬菜一起炒在锅里
o 鞑靼牛排配泡菜和责骂
- 甜点可供选择:
Ø 奶油芝士蛋糕
o 时令水果配芒果和薄荷奶油配卡瓦酒
o 奶油巧克力蛋糕
o 我们菜单“天使与魔鬼”中的招牌鸡尾酒
Legaris Verdejo、Legaris Roble 或 Mahou 生啤酒
- 拉丁情人和地中海马提尼
- 霍威利 & Baly Spritz
- 放飞自我 & Oishii Martini
- Orenji bol 和莫斯科骡子东方
- 1件婚礼手鞠
- 1 片鲈鱼握寿司配白蒜
- 2 片松露芦笋
- 1 片伊比利亚下巴卷 Niguiri 配小辣椒酱
>>> 搭配 2 杯地中海马提尼鸡尾酒
>>> 搭配 2 杯凯歌烈酒
- 2 块 Hotmaki 狗
- 2块橙柄海鲜酱炒饭锭
- 1 块成熟里脊肉 Niguiri 配 Chimichurri
- 1 块调色手鞠
>>> 搭配 2 杯 Oishii Martini 鸡尾酒
>>> 搭配 2 杯 Veuve Clicquot Brut Yellow Label
- 1 颗优质克莱尔 2 号牡蛎
- 军舰小龙虾鞑靼 1块
- 1块金枪鱼生鱼片
- 1 块 Niguiri A5 和牛腰肉
- 1块帝王蟹肉
用鱼子酱 XXXX 改善它!
>>> 搭配 2 杯银杏马提尼鸡尾酒
(孟买蓝宝石、紫苏和柠檬草叶、Fino de Jerez、粉红胡椒汤力水)
>>> 搭配 2 杯 Veuve Clicquot Brut rosé
Ginkgo Restaurante & Sky Bar offers a large menu with dishes that deeply respect the product and mix the most traditional dishes with touches of market cuisine, some of them with Asian influence.
From the top of Madrid, you will find the fashionable place with the best views of the city. In the center of everything!
Ginkgo Restaurante & Sky Bar offers a large menu with dishes that deeply respect the product and mix the most traditional dishes with touches of market cuisine, some of them with Asian influence.
From the top of Madrid, you will find the fashionable place with the best views of the city. In the center of everything!
We will keep you informed of all the news!