Mesclun, Parmesão, Croutons, Frango Crocante, Azeitonas em pó, Maionese, Caril, Molho Caesar
Alface, queijo de cabra grelhado, tomate, manjericão, azeitonas pretas, molho de iogurte, sorvete de pepino
Alface, queijo grego, tofu frito, semente de abóbora, sorvete de pera, vinagrete de laranja
Carne de porco assada, rabo de boi, arroz preto com molho de alho
Salada mexicana, wakame, camarão, guacamole, teriyaki
Located in the city center of Sevilla, next to the Giralda tower and the famous bullring "La Maestranza", you will find the restaurant El Pimentón.
Located in the city center of Sevilla, next to the Giralda tower and the famous bullring "La Maestranza", you will find the restaurant El Pimentón.
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