Салат Аликанте с вяленым тунцом, региональными помидорами, анчоусами, миндалем и оливками
Микс-салат «Валенсия» с брюшком тунца, региональными помидорами и оливками
Типичный региональный салат из жареных баклажанов и перца (зеленого и красного) с раскрошенной соленой треской и оливковым маслом первого отжима.
Порция мелких видов каракатиц, обваленных в муке и обжаренных до золотистого цвета
Кальмары на гриле с классическим зеленым соусом на основе чеснока и петрушки
Кольца кальмара в сухарях по-андалузски с лимонным майонезом
Наш вариант паэльи Аликанте с кальмарами, каракатицей, морским чертом, очищенными креветками и овощами
Традиционный рецепт паэльи Аликанте с каракатицей и креветками
Жареная говядина по-галисийски с соусом "Café de París", маслом с травами
С карамелизированным коричневым сахаром и засахаренными апельсинами и лимоном
Art in its purest form expressed in two ways. Firstly, the building is 300 years old. An old olive oil mill and farming house renovated respecting these features and following marked parameters.
The second reason is the gastronomic characteristic, combining the Mediterranean concept with the local cuisine and adding international touches.
Our restaurant named “Menjador Almàssera de Guillem” in honour of the old location is a memory of regional achievements. We manage the restaurant with attention to detail and cater for special occasions, all kinds of events and celebrations ranging from small groups, family or business gatherings. It combines a tranquil and rural location with elegance.
Historically endorsed by a building that is more than 300 years old, the olive oil mill has been transformed into the Hotel Tossal d’Altea, with the Tossal d’Altea restaurant inside, as a tribute to its former use.
The traditional, simple cooking here that has a real Mediterranean feel to it, is based on recipes from times gone by a touch of modern-day, daring creativity added to them.
Guests can also enjoy other spaces of the building in peaceful surroundings and with views to the countryside.
Art in its purest form expressed in two ways. Firstly, the building is 300 years old. An old olive oil mill and farming house renovated respecting these features and following marked parameters.
The second reason is the gastronomic characteristic, combining the Mediterranean concept with the local cuisine and adding international touches.
Our restaurant named “Menjador Almàssera de Guillem” in honour of the old location is a memory of regional achievements. We manage the restaurant with attention to detail and cater for special occasions, all kinds of events and celebrations ranging from small groups, family or business gatherings. It combines a tranquil and rural location with elegance.
Historically endorsed by a building that is more than 300 years old, the olive oil mill has been transformed into the Hotel Tossal d’Altea, with the Tossal d’Altea restaurant inside, as a tribute to its former use.
The traditional, simple cooking here that has a real Mediterranean feel to it, is based on recipes from times gone by a touch of modern-day, daring creativity added to them.
Guests can also enjoy other spaces of the building in peaceful surroundings and with views to the countryside.
We will keep you informed of all the news!