Mistura de chá verde, preto e branco com botões de rosa amarela, flores de malva, pétalas de rosa vermelha e um aroma suave de jasmim e cítricos naturais.
Clássico chá branco Pai Mu Tan de um alto vale em Fujian (China). Broto e primeira folha.
Chá preto com figos da Turquia, cereja e acerola, uma super fruta amazônica.
Infusão revitalizante de erva-mate sul-americana (verde e tostada) com a contribuição doce e refrescante de casca de laranja e flores e alcaçuz.
Infusão de frutas à base de cereja, framboesa e maçã. Uma alternativa equilibrada à tradicional infusão de frutos vermelhos.
At Nomade cafe we are hedonists! We drink specialty coffee and are advocates of healthy food.
Located in the center of Madrid, Nomade cafe is on the corner in one of the typical Lavapies streets, right next to the Anton Martin and Lavapies metro.
Nomade cafe is a charming cafe with a welcoming and always vibrant atmosphere.
Find yourself a corner and order your breakfast, the lunch menu, your snack or the delicious brunch that we offer on the weekend!
Hurry? We also have take away!
At Nomade cafe we are hedonists! We drink specialty coffee and are advocates of healthy food.
Located in the center of Madrid, Nomade cafe is on the corner in one of the typical Lavapies streets, right next to the Anton Martin and Lavapies metro.
Nomade cafe is a charming cafe with a welcoming and always vibrant atmosphere.
Find yourself a corner and order your breakfast, the lunch menu, your snack or the delicious brunch that we offer on the weekend!
Hurry? We also have take away!
We will keep you informed of all the news!